I searched for years trying to find something that would help my chronic illness; celery juice 100% helped me heal.
If you would have told me six years ago that I would heal my illness (POTS) by coming across a man online, that is not a doctor, not a researcher, not a nutritionist, but a medical medium, I would have laughed.
Yes, I noticed the red flags (more on that below), but…Anthony Williams the Medical Medium’s methods worked for me. Whether he gets help from a divine spirit or was just lucky in designing his plan I don’t know, but I can’t deny that it worked.
Note: I keep my instagram pretty up to date on how I am doing and post to stories almost daily on my health journey. If you are interested you can follow along on my instagram here.
Celery Juice Benefits: Before and After 4 Months of Juicing Celery
- Celery Juice Benefits: Before and After 4 Months of Juicing Celery
- Celery Juice Benefits After 4 Months of Drinking Celery Juice
- Other Important Tips to Help You Get the Full Benefits of Celery Juice
- What does celery juice taste like?
- Tips to make celery juice taste better
- Do you have to use organic celery juice or will regular celery juice work?
- How long does celery juice last?
- What is the best juicer for celery?
- Should you try drinking celery juice?
- Where to get more information on the benefits of celery juice?
Doctors know a lot…unless you have an illness they know nothing about. Then doctors know nothing.
Let’s be clear, I don’t hate doctors. But when you are diagnosed with an illness that we as a society do not know very much about it is really hard for doctors to help you. There is just not enough funding for research. Without research, what are the doctors supposed to tell you?
How are they supposed to help you if they don’t have the information to help you. (no research)
I couldn’t find a doctor who could help me even though I spent years looking. I got second opinions, went to specialists, and even flew to doctors in other states!
And it sucks. It sucks having an illness where there are more questions than answers.
I refused to accept the answer doctors gave me. They said, “right now there is no cure.”
Who started the celery juice movement?
Anthony William, the self proclaimed Medical Medium, is the originator of the celery juice movement.
He is open about not being a doctor and that his methods have not yet been confirmed by research from the scientific community, though I believe they ultimately will. Also, for what it’s worth, i’ve never been able to find anything from the scientific community that refutes his claims.
Anthony Williams claims that a divine voice tells him what is wrong with people’s health and then how to help them get better.
I know that sounds ridiculous, but…I was desperate. I didn’t care where the information was or wasn’t coming from. I just wanted to get better!
I decided I had nothing to lose and gave celery juice a go. This is what happened!
More of my thoughts on the Medical Medium here >> The Medical Medium Protocol: It isn’t about beliefs, I want results!
Celery Juice Benefits After 4 Months of Drinking Celery Juice
There are so many benefits from drinking celery juice. In this post I am only going to share the benefits from my own experience, though others have seen benefits with their symptoms. I will let my results speak for themselves.
What were my symptoms before and actual real life results after 4 months of celery juice.
Symptom #1: Major Belly Bloat
Bloating, bloating, swelling and more bloating (I was NOT PREGNANT) But can celery juice heal your belly bloat?
I had severe swelling and bloating for so long I can’t remember when it started. It was miserable and very uncomfortable. I had to sleep on my back like a pregnant woman. I waddled. I would put on jeans in the morning and after my first sip of water would have to change due to my stomach bloating. Just from drinking water!
I tried everything and nothing worked! Doctors had no clue why I bloated. They just gave me a “filler” diagnosis of IBS, which was their way of saying, “we have no clue why you look 8 months pregnant”.
Can you use celery juice for bloating?
What happened to my belly bloat when I started drinking celery juice?
After 4 months of celery juice (and other dietary changes) – Belly bloat GONE!!
Seriously, it is crazy! I still am having a hard time believing it. The bloating, swelling, only being able to wear stretchy clothes, and constantly being asked “when are you due?” have completely halted.
It has only been 4-5 months, so we will see if any bloating returns, but after trying so many different things for years I can honestly say that nothing has worked so well and for so long as drinking celery juice. I can actually wear jeans again!! Yay!
How long did it take before I noticed improvements in my bloating?
It wasn’t until I had been juicing celery every day for 3 months that I started to notice things getting better, like, a lot better.
By month 4 of drinking celery juice, my bloating has completely gone away and not returned (even after going off my diet and traveling during the holiday season).
BE WARNED! My bloating got worse before it got better and it isn’t uncommon to experience bloating after drinking celery juice in the beginning. (I did at times)
The first month and a half I juiced celery my bloating actually got much much worse. My best guess is that as all the bad bacteria flushed out of my system it irritated things.
I almost quit juicing celery juice because of the increased bloating, but kept going because I had a good feeling about it. Thank goodness I stuck it out because the pain was easily been worth the gain.
Read Next >> Exactly How I Cured My Belly Bloat
Symptom #2: Terrible Rashes
I could write a book on weird rashes. They seemed to pop up all the time. When I went to the doctor they had no clue what was causing them or how to fix them.
4 month rash update – The rashes are almost completely gone. I still get some weird heat rashes, (usually when I have my period) but they used to come any time I was in the heat. The rashes have only come back when I’ve gone off the celery juice for trips.
The facial rashes hardly show up now. If they do, it is very minimal and more irritated red and dry skin rather than an all out rash. So much better than it used to be.
Symptom #3: Brain Fog
Can celery juice help with brain fog? My brain fog was so bad that my husband later told my he felt like he was married to someone with alzheimer’s. He said I would ask him a question, and then 1 minute later ask him the exact same question.
I felt like I had brain damage and memory loss. I forgot how to spell, I couldn’t add simple numbers. It was horrible to live like that.
When I started juicing celery juice my brain fog was not on “alzheimer’s” level anymore, but it was still awful. I was not able to focus, think clearly, and talk fast (I’ve always had a small stutter, but it came back stronger than ever).
4 Month brain fog update – My brain seems to be the last thing to recover. I still struggle to focus and think clearly, but I just wrote this 3000 word post in 4 days! I never could have written a post this long a few months ago. It is still getting better.
Symptom #4: Sleep disturbances – Insomnia & Day Night Sleep Reversal
I had non-24 sleep wake disorder as well as day night reversal as well as horrible insomnia. I tried every sleeping pill prescription and non-prescription, but nothing worked except Anthony Williams’ diet tips.
Update on sleep 4 months in – Almost immediately after starting to drink celery juice my sleep fixed itself. The only time I have sleep issues now is when I go on a trip and go off my diet and celery juice (or when I cheat on my diet too much in general).
Other Important Tips to Help You Get the Full Benefits of Celery Juice
What does celery juice taste like?
It tastes like celery…juiced. Ha! I’m not sure how else to describe it. I personally don’t think it tastes bad. At the beginning it made me nauseas, but that doesn’t happen now that I’m used to it.
Tips to make celery juice taste better
If you try it and hate it I recommend cutting the leaves off, and not juicing the white or yellow celery sticks. They make the juice bitter.
I also recommend using a strainer. (This is the strainer I use) It goes down a lot easier if it doesn’t have chunks.
You will also notice that some batches taste different than others. Some are more salty, and some just taste different. I was shocked the first time my celery juice tasted completely different.
Do you have to use organic celery juice or will regular celery juice work?
I use both. Whatever they have at whatever store I am at. They both seem to work, the taste can be slightly different, but I’ve had results using both.
How long does celery juice last?
Celery juice can last for 24 hours after juicing it. However, it is best to drink it immediately or soon after making it. If you are unable to drink it immediately after making it you can store it in the fridge and drink it within the next 24 hours. The best way to store celery juice is in a mason jar with a lid.
I use these mason jars from Amazon with these air tight lids. I don’t like using the lids the mason jars come in because they being to rust after 1 wash. I don’t think they are supposed to go in the dishwasher either. I need something more low maintenance.
These mason jars can also go in the freezer if you wish to freeze your celery juice. I have personally never tried this but it is possible. However, it is important to be aware that the medicinal properties of celery juice will decrease when it’s frozen so it’s best to drink it fresh whenever you can.
What is the best juicer for celery?
Of all the juicers I’ve tried, the Omega NC800HDS Masticating Juicer is the one that solved my problems. Buy the exact one I use here. I wrote a full article on why this juicer is the best one for celery.
Check it out here >> The Best Juicer For Celery (Best Masticating Juicers)
Should you try drinking celery juice?
After spending years battling Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS Syndrome) and other chronic health conditions, I can honestly say that nothing (besides God) made a bigger impact on my health than drinking 16-32 oz celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach and following Anthony Williams’ diet tips.
If you are desperate for something to help, what do you have to lose?
Where to get more information on the benefits of celery juice?
If you are interested in more information on the benefits of celery juice I recommend listening to the Medical Medium podcast episode on celery juice (I listen to them on double speed).
Remember, none of this is science based YET, though I haven’t found any legitimate scientific evidence refuting his claims either (I’ve definitely looked).
Unfortunately for the chronically ill, we have not been left with much of a choice. Science has not offered enough help. Hopefully this will change, but for now what have you got to lose?
What questions do you have about juicing celery that I can help answer for you? Share any tips you have in the comments below!
If you enjoyed this post don’t forget to share it with your friends! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you found this post helpful!
Get more tips on how I have recovered from POTS Syndrome & other chronic health conditions on my YouTube Channel or instagram!
Read Next: The Best Juicer for Celery
10 thoughts on “Celery Juice Benefits After 4 Months of Drinking Celery Juice”
Hi Avenly,
I hope this finds you in good spirits and (still doing improving!) I can understand the “chronic illness” journey, as I was recently diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, after a 2 year battle of a a myriad of multi organ/system symptoms. It truly takes over your life huh?!? I know this may not be any of my business, but I can’t help but “put the bug in your ear” have you ever been tested for Lyme disease? All of your symptoms you’re describing sound very similar to Lyme (& POTS is common with Lyme) if you haven’t, just wanted to bring your attention to it & also, going to a “Lyme literate natropath” is your best option. They know the correct test(s) to order! :) Typically, it’s the western blot, but there are several co-infections that come with Lyme disease as well. I truly don’t want to scare you, just want to be helpful! :) Thanks for your post by the way! :) so so inspiring!
Hey Cristy, Thank you so much for looking out! I don’t have Lyme disease (thank goodness) but am still continuing to improve! Yay! How are you doing with your symptoms?
Pingback: The Medical Medium Diet- It Isn't about Belief, I Want Results - Avenly Lane Fitness by Claire
Hello! Curious how you’re doing now. I started on celery juice and the Medical Medium protocols 3 months ago. So many positive changes. I’m enjoying your blog posts – just found you today. :)
Hey Megan, Thank you so much. That’s great that you have stuck with it for 3 months! I am doing well. Still have health issues but they keep slowly improving. Hope you are doing well!
I’m trying this myself to see if it can get rid of my oh to frequent heartburn. BUT, I bought a whole bunch of celery at Sam’s Club 10 lbs to be precise and ran it ALL through the juicer. It yielded nearly a gallon of juice. They recommend only making 2 days worth at a time. Well that ain’t happening because juicing is messy and a pain in the butt to do every day. BESIDES, when I bought the celery, the bag said it was picked on June 1 and it was June 8 when I bought it. It was already a week old when I got it, so just how fresh are we talking about? Not that I’m poo pooing the whole concept of this “miracle” cure, BUT if it’s going to work at all, there’s no way I can get celery freshly picked, so cut me some slack here and if it’s in the frig it will certainly keep for a week. At least that’s my thinking on the matter. Have you ever tried to grow celery? It’s not that fast from time of germination to harvest. It’s not like radish or lettuce where it’s ready to harvest in 30 days. Even if it was you’d still have to supplement with some store bought to be perfectly honest. At any rate, it’s fairly cheap produce and it’s worth giving it a whirl for 7 days and then see if it’s worth making some more.
Hey Jan, I can’t even keep my house plants alive so I have never tried to grow my own celery. 😂 I honestly don’t worry too much about how long it has been in the store, maybe I should? Good luck on your 7 day trial! Hope you can find some relief.
I’m experiencing massive bloating from celery juice on day 2… what did you to to alleviate it?
Hey Page,
Yeah, bloating can def happen when starting celery juice. I experienced pretty extreme bloating at the beginning but it went away completely after 3 months. (I had bloating issues before juicing the celery as well) If you are experiencing bloating you could always cut back some and see if that helps. I started with only a few sips and made slowly my way up to 32 ounces daily. Hope this was somewhat helpful. ❤️
Hi Claire! I have hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue and digestive issues. I have AW’s book and I considered juicing, so I borrowed my mom’s juicer. I just have such low energy that all the work involved is too much and I don’t do it. So I ordered powdered organic celery juice, which I know isn’t “ideal” but maybe it’s worth it? Problem is, I almost puke when I try to drink it! I never liked celery and in liquid form it’s just so gross. I’m feeling very discouraged! I don’t know what I’m writing this for exactly, but maybe you have some advice or suggestions? Maybe if I plug my nose and try and pour it down my throat without having to swallow? 😆😭 I’m sure I’d have to take an entire bottle of celery pills to get the right amount per day, if they even have those. 😞