The More You Care What Others Think, The Stupider You Will Look

The more you care, the stupider you look

This is one of those recurring lessons that we all intuitively seem to understand, yet still seem to forget and have to figure out again. Hopefully we can grow to appreciate its truth on an even deeper level.

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Edinburgh Scotland Photos
Click the photo to read our 2 day Scotland itinerary!

On our most recent trip to Scotland I re-learned a valuable lesson. Essentially, the more you care what others think, the more stupid you look.


Let’s be honest, posing for photos can be embarrassing, and I was definitely embarrassed taking these photos!

I generally feel awkward taking pictures in front of people since I’m not very good at posing. To get over this, I try to separate myself from others and take my time and snap multiple pictures. The crowds and traffic in these Edinburgh pictures didn’t allow me to do that.

Also adding even more to my regular level of discomfort was the fact that this was my first big trip after spending the previous four years in a wheelchair or bedridden.

Between breaks in the traffic and crowds walking down the sidewalk my husband tried to snap enough pictures to try and get a couple that I liked. While posing, I saw a group of people walking by point and laugh at my posing.

I immediately got flustered at their pointing and laughing and felt a need to “play it cool”. I immediately hopped up and was so preoccupied with the group that I didn’t look where I was going and ran head first into a pole.

I didn’t see it coming at all, so I actually hit it pretty hard. Even though I wasn’t seriously hurt, I hit the pole pretty hard even cutting my leg.  Of course rather than tend to my injuries I acted like I wasn’t hurt and meant to run into the pole. I am sure that for anyone watching I looked like an idiot!

Edinburgh Scotland Photos

Moral of the story – the more you care what others think the more stupid you look. So stop caring! If you want to post for pictures on the streets of Edinburgh, then pose for pictures regardless of what the random strangers in a foreign country think.

Check out @avenlylaneinspire Instagram for more “life lessons”. 

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