The Surprising Truth Behind Vanilla Essential Oil

Mmm, the creamy – dreamy uplifting scent of vanilla essential oil! Coming from the Orchid family it was originally cultivated by the Aztecs and now sourced mostly in Madagascar.

While it transcends me to fond memories of childhood birthday cakes there’s promising research in its ability to reduce anxiety, depression – even work as an anti-inflammatory. This “little bean” is anything but plain. 

But what if I told you that there is no such thing as vanilla essential oil it’s non-existent, completely fake? 

Yeah. I was surprised too.

Then what are vanilla oil essentials?

There are no true vanilla essential oils because of extraction methods. True essential oils are distilled by physical methods only, as in – steaming with water or pressing. Instead there are four different ways vanilla oil is made.

Vanilla Absolute: Instead of using water to steam the bean into essential oil in this method a solvent (think petroleum ether, methanol, ethanol or hexane) is used. Scarier than it sounds this method can still be certified organic.

Vanilla Oil Infusion: In this case the pods are left to steep in a carrier oil for weeks or months depending on desired fragrance strength.

Vanilla Extract: Here the vanilla seed is cut into alcohol and aged for several months to increase flavor intensity.

Vanilla CO2 Extract: Carbon dioxide is used with great pressure in order to extract the vanilla CO2 oil. This is the most expensive version of vanilla oil essentials.

So how do I use these vanilla oils?

No matter what it’s called or how it’s extracted, I find vanilla to be an incredibly therapeutic essential oil.

I prefer to use it in all forms of aromatherapy when I’m having a bout of the blues and need some TLC, or topical spa-like applications – as in lotions, bath oil, or in a diffuser.

Lavender and Vanilla Essential Oil Blend

Much like Frankincense and Myrrh (read more here), Lavender and Vanilla make a great team. They are a less obvious yet often paired duo in aromatherapy, used to calm your nerves and even your blood pressure. 

I’d have to say that my personal favorite is this simple but versatile body and room spray. Mist it on your pillows to fall fast asleep, in the air during meditation, or even into your hair and clothes for all day soothing energy. 

Essential Oil Recipe: DIY Vanilla Body and Room Spray

You’ll need a 2oz dark hued glass spray bottle (blue or brown will do). Then add the following ingredients…

  • 10-20 drops 100% pure vanilla “essential” oil (or blend with the same quality – lavender essential oil)
  • 10-20 drops carrier oil (almond or jojoba)
  • fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water

Shake and enjoy!

Where to buy my favorite Vanilla (Essential) Oil?

NOW Essential Oils

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Vanilla Essential Oil Blend

The NOW essential oils “Vanilla Oil Blend” is one to love. It contains pure jojoba oil and pure vanilla extract – both high quality and highly rated.

I like the price point and perfectly robust fragrance. Too many vanilla scented items either have an overbearing aroma or are entirely too weak.

Check prices on amazon here.

100% Pure Vanilla Body Cream

100% Pure Vanilla Body Cream

You can also try this vanilla absolute infused cream from 100% Pure. It has a buttery, moisturizing texture but still sinks into skin with little residue left behind.

Rub it on It’s almost good enough to eat, seriously – check out the reviews.

rareESSENCE Essential Oil

rareESSENCE Essential Oil

If you’re interested in mixing lavender with vanilla, I’ve recently discovered Rare Essence essential oils, all products are certified organic and outstanding.

Their lavender packs a punch to your senses but blends so lovely, you’ll feel like you’re in an English garden.

Want more information on lavender essential oils? Read this.

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